Getting a loan from a traditional bank can be difficult when retired. They may require that you jump through many different hoops just to get approved for a simple loan. This can be due to having a non- traditional income, a fixed income, or a low income.
Traditional lenders may determine that their income requirements are not met or that your income is not sufficient for the debt payments. That’s where Ratelock comes in! Ratelock is dedicated to helping each customer and we understand how hard it can be to borrow money for your needs. We will lend to you even if you are in one of the situations previously described. Use a home equity loan to get caught up with expenses, go on vacation, start an investment account, and more!
Ratelock wants to help each customer as much as we can, and that is why we work with our customers to provide for their exact needs. Fill out our online form today or contact us to allow us to answer all of your questions and walk you through every step of the process!